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Recently in November '20


Hello y’all! Yet another month has passed. November was quite full of good things in my opinion. It’s been quite a long month so I’ll probably skip some parts because I simply don’t remember.

So, first of all and most importantly, I moved! I moved out of The Student Hotel and all the problems that I had with it to my own studio. I really enjoy the place and the location. I might not have a view from the 10th floor as I had before, but I still have a view from the 4th.

We’re almost half-way our second quarter of university and there’s things to do every day. It’s been very very very busy. I don’t think I can even compare to my Bachelor’s. I managed to work 50% of the time during my Bachelor’s, but I’m struggling with 25% with my Master’s.

It’s much more intensive in my opinion. I think the fact that we use a quartile system is the main culprit. It makes deadlines tight, not much time between quarters (only two weeks, with exams…). Nevertheless, everything seems to be coming up together!

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to use my camera as much as I hoped but I count on going to a few virtual photography workshops this month. In two weeks I’m flyinng back to Portugal for my Christmas break.

Enjoy your Holidays, enjoy Sinterklaas, enjoy Christmas!