Making a Digital Shoebox
PermalinkA few days ago, I was navigating the web as normal. After some clicks here and there, I found myself on this page. I looked around and realized: it is a digital shoebox. I resonated with the author: I too keep around (shoe)boxes with the most random things. So I decided to also create my own digital shoebox.
Much like the author of the linked shoebox, I do also keep around boxes with stuff. Stuff from postcards, to photo film, to a the ticket from a train years ago, or just a flyer from a museum I visited in some other country. And I do often look at this boxes. I do enjoy the idea of having them and checking them every now and then.
Digitally, I’ve also had something similar: a directory named “random” where I put all sorts of things that do not have a really good place to go. It has happened before that I’ve wanted to share one or two of these things, but I’ve always had to wait until I has back at my laptop in order to do so.

From today - yesterday actually - on, I also have a digital shoebox here on my website. It fills that niche space of things I have on this website, but don’t really fit any other category. Some are just normal posts, dated, but I wouldn’t want to be spamming my readers with them. Others are just minisites that I’ve made in the past. Others are recreations of things I’ve found physically but thought would be fun to share digitally!
When you open it - if you open it - you might recognise some links. Some of the things that now sit in my shoebox were linked before as “experiments”. Others are brand new. I have added quite a few posts in the past two days after taking a few looks at my random directory, as well as other random places on my laptop.
Maybe some of the posts I made yesterday could’ve actually gone into the articles page. However, I did not really want to spam my few readers with way too many posts at once. Adding them to the articles page, if I ever want, is trivial. The other things, however, have really no clear place to go.
Please check it out and let me know what you think!