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Optimistic Wrist

Today I had the nth appointment for my wrist. Yesterday, we had done an echo just to make sure that there’s no damage or cysts. Fortunately, when it comes to those types of abnormalities, everything seems fine. The conclusion seems to be that my wrists are slightly more mobile than they should and therefore it’s just much easier to get an injury. And that the tendons need to do a lot more work than they would usually need to…

The next steps were not fun: getting an injection directly in the inflamed tendon with some substance that is supposed to help it come to a more rested space. That was performed immediately. I wouldn’t recommend that.

At the end of the month I’m also getting a custom made brace to also ensure I can give my wrist proper rest. The injection plus the brace plus exercises to make sure that my wrist becomes stronger should do the trick. I’m cautiously optimistic.