External Links
PermalinkThis is a list with all the external links from this website. It is based on a Jim’s initiative to list all the external links he has on his website. It is quite interesting to see where most of our links lead to.
Additionally, the raw data is also available at /.well-known/links. You can read more about how in works in Jim’s blog post. I might write an article about it too.
github.com 81
wikipedia.org 72
indieweb.org 20
jim-nielsen.com 13
php.net 13
youtube.com 11
gohugo.io 9
seblog.nl 9
tue.nl 8
twitter.com 7
fosdem.org 6
protocol.ai 6
timharek.no 6
jlelse.blog 5
mew.tv 5
hacdias.com | mew.tv |
/2022/12/26/personal-websites-and-online-identities/ | / |
/2023/02/26/a-deutsche-bahn-tale-on-ice/ | / |
/2023/07/31/recently/ | / |
/2024/07/31/recently/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
pplware.com 5
hacdias.com | pplware.com |
/2014/07/12/apresentacao/ | / |
/2014/07/12/apresentacao/ | / |
/2014/09/02/git-historia-repositorios-github/ | / |
/2015/02/11/i-have-moved-again/ | / |
/2015/02/11/i-have-moved-again/ | / |
w3.org 5
aaronparecki.com 4
hacdias.com | aaronparecki.com |
/2020/01/01/building-micropub/ | / |
/2020/01/02/dynamic-static/ | / |
/2020/02/13/ownyourtrakt/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
archive.org 4
brainbaking.com 4
cloudflare.com 4
dekatemousa.nl 4
hacdias.com | dekatemousa.nl |
/2020/10/01/recently/ | / |
/2021/09/16/fire-breathing/ | / |
/2021/09/16/fire-steelwool/ | / |
/2021/09/30/recently/ | / |
fosstodon.org 4
ipfs.tech 4
hacdias.com | ipfs.tech |
/2022/10/31/recently/ | / |
/2024/05/06/leaving-the-interplanetary-journey/ | / |
/2024/05/06/leaving-the-interplanetary-journey/ | /shipyard-hello-world/ |
/about/ | /shipyard-hello-world/ |
kevquirk.com 4
linkedin.com 4
npmjs.com 4
p3k.io 4
hacdias.com | p3k.io |
/2020/01/01/building-micropub/ | / |
/2020/01/01/building-micropub/ | / |
/2020/02/13/ownyourtrakt/ | / |
/2021/11/05/micropub-update-parsing-uncertainties/ | / |
rknight.me 4
hacdias.com | rknight.me |
/2023/11/08/app-defaults/ | / |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/blogroll/ | /subscribe/posts/atom.xml |
/uses/ | / |
sapo.pt 4
spotify.com 4
hacdias.com | spotify.com |
/2023/01/02/year-in-music/ | / |
/2023/10/18/navigating-my-dutch-learning-journey/ | /playlist/7zkrS7OaA5BVS1dvVwL1Ri |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
wordpress.org 4
caddyserver.com 3
hacdias.com | caddyserver.com |
/2020/01/23/bye-filebrowser/ | / |
/2023/12/24/irc-bouncer-setup-soju-gamja-caddy-docker/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
darekkay.com 3
hacdias.com | darekkay.com |
/2021/11/15/darek-kays-blogroll/ | /personal-blogs/ |
/2024/10/23/styled-rss-feeds/ | /blog/rss-styling/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
dutchnews.nl 3
garmin.com 3
golang.org 3
hacdias.com | golang.org |
/2017/09/08/how-to-create-a-web-server-in-go/ | /toward-go2 |
/2017/09/08/how-to-create-a-web-server-in-go/ | /doc/install |
/2020/10/19/testing-p2p-systems-testground/ | /dl/ |
landing.jobs 3
macwright.com 3
hacdias.com | macwright.com |
/2022/12/09/playing-with-activitypub/ | /2022/12/09/activitypub.html |
/2024/01/02/moving-to-fastmail/ | /2023/09/24/masked-email |
/blogroll/ | / |
manuelmoreale.com 3
hacdias.com | manuelmoreale.com |
/2024/05/10/mitigating-guestbook-spam/ | /guestbook |
/2024/10/04/multilingualism/ | /indieweb-carnival-multilingualism-in-a-global-web |
/blogroll/ | / |
medium.com 3
miniflux.app 3
hacdias.com | miniflux.app |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
neustadt.fr 3
hacdias.com | neustadt.fr |
/2020/05/31/back-90s/ | /essays/the-small-web/ |
/2022/06/18/my-website-after-indieweb/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
nodejs.org 3
randsinrepose.com 3
redblobgames.com 3
stackoverflow.com 3
1password.com 2
hacdias.com | 1password.com |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
alexmeub.com 2
hacdias.com | alexmeub.com |
/2023/06/23/windows-98-icons-are-great/ | /old-windows-icons/ |
/2023/06/23/windows-98-icons-are-great/ | / |
apiary.io 2
hacdias.com | apiary.io |
/2020/02/13/ownyourtrakt/ | / |
/2020/02/22/trakt-analysis/ | / |
ar.al 2
hacdias.com | ar.al |
/2022/08/16/what-is-the-small-web/ | /2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
austinhenley.com 2
hacdias.com | austinhenley.com |
/2022/12/23/programming-as-play/ | /blog/programmingasplay.html |
/blogroll/ | /blog.html |
bosch-ebike.com 2
hacdias.com | bosch-ebike.com |
/2023/10/11/processing-bosch-ebike-flow-fit-files/ | / |
/2023/10/11/processing-bosch-ebike-flow-fit-files/ | /en/products/ebike-flow-app |
buienradar.nl 2
hacdias.com | buienradar.nl |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
daviddias.me 2
hacdias.com | daviddias.me |
/2019/08/07/decentralizing-my-website-with-ipfs/ | / |
/2024/05/06/leaving-the-interplanetary-journey/ | / |
ddw.nl 2
hacdias.com | ddw.nl |
/2021/10/31/recently/ | / |
/2022/10/31/recently/ | / |
decentralizedthoughts.github.io 2
hacdias.com | decentralizedthoughts.github.io |
/2022/06/14/private-set-intersection/ | /2020-03-29-private-set-intersection-a-soft-introduction/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
dialup.net 2
hacdias.com | dialup.net |
/2023/06/27/modern-tlsssl-on-16-bit-windows/ | /wingpt/tls.html |
/2023/06/27/modern-tlsssl-on-16-bit-windows/ | /wingpt/ |
digid.nl 2
hacdias.com | digid.nl |
/2022/11/08/issues-with-digid-as-foreigner/ | / |
/2023/07/03/an-update-to-my-digid-saga-and-drivers-licenses/ | / |
engineersneedart.com 2
hacdias.com | engineersneedart.com |
/2022/08/22/adam74/ | /adam74/adam74.html |
/blogroll/ | / |
eta.st 2
hacdias.com | eta.st |
/2023/02/07/reversing-uk-mobile-rail-tickets/ | /2023/01/31/rail-tickets.html |
/2023/02/07/reversing-uk-mobile-rail-tickets/ | /tickets/ |
europa.eu 2
hacdias.com | europa.eu |
/2022/11/08/issues-with-digid-as-foreigner/ | /eli/reg/2019/1157/oj |
/2024/02/01/recently/ | /eli/reg/2019/1157/oj |
fastmail.com 2
hacdias.com | fastmail.com |
/2024/01/02/moving-to-fastmail/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
gloweindhoven.nl 2
hacdias.com | gloweindhoven.nl |
/2021/12/02/recently/ | / |
/2022/11/30/recently/ | / |
indieauth.com 2
hacdias.com | indieauth.com |
/2019/12/30/using-indieauth/ | / |
/2021/11/19/farewell-hugo-hello-eagle/ | / |
indiebookclub.biz 2
hacdias.com | indiebookclub.biz |
/2020/01/29/owning-reading-log/ | / |
/2022/01/25/linking-reading-progress-together/ | / |
instagram.com 2
hacdias.com | instagram.com |
/2024/10/04/multilingualism/ | /orlophe_interlingua/ |
/contact/ | /hacdias |
ipfs.io 2
hacdias.com | ipfs.io |
/2018/10/27/working-at-protocol-labs/ | / |
/2021/02/01/recently/ | /ipns/daviddias.me/ |
iterm2.com 2
hacdias.com | iterm2.com |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
jakelazaroff.com 2
hacdias.com | jakelazaroff.com |
/2023/10/05/an-interactive-intro-to-crdts/ | /words/an-interactive-intro-to-crdts/ |
/2023/10/19/jake-museum/ | / |
jamesg.blog 2
hacdias.com | jamesg.blog |
/2023/11/30/spotify-wrapped/ | /2023/11/29/spotify-wrapped/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
jlel.se 2
hacdias.com | jlel.se |
/2020/10/12/rebuilding-eagle-cms/ | /jlelse/GoBlog |
/2021/02/04/is-it-time-build-cms/ | /jlelse/GoBlog |
jonworth.eu 2
hacdias.com | jonworth.eu |
/2023/02/26/a-deutsche-bahn-tale-on-ice/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
jvns.ca 2
hacdias.com | jvns.ca |
/2021/12/06/dns-doesnt-propagate/ | /blog/2021/12/06/dns-doesn-t-propagate/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
jvt.me 2
hacdias.com | jvt.me |
/2021/11/16/the-indieweb-movement/ | /posts/2019/10/20/indieweb-talk/ |
/blogroll/ | /kind/articles/ |
kurzgesagt.org 2
hacdias.com | kurzgesagt.org |
/2015/08/19/something-about-future/ | / |
/2023/02/24/writing-gratitude-journal/ | / |
logius.nl 2
macwright.org 2
hacdias.com | macwright.org |
/2020/01/29/owning-reading-log/ | /2017/12/11/indieweb-reading.html |
/2020/05/31/back-90s/ | /2020/05/10/spa-fatigue.html |
meowni.ca 2
hacdias.com | meowni.ca |
/2021/11/18/doing-the-work/ | /posts/doing-the-work/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
microsoft.com 2
hacdias.com | microsoft.com |
/2017/07/12/how-did-i-start-working-remotely-at-a-startup/ | /pt-pt/ |
/2022/08/19/janet-jackson-had-the-power-to-crash-laptop-computers/ | /oldnewthing/20220816-00/ |
miljoenenlijn.nl 2
hacdias.com | miljoenenlijn.nl |
/2023/10/31/recently/ | / |
/impossible-list/ | / |
modernconsensus.com 2
mozilla.org 2
hacdias.com | mozilla.org |
/2021/02/15/magic-fractal-snowflakes/ | /en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API |
/2023/11/25/website-level-color-scheme-preferences/ | /show_bug.cgi |
museumtramlijn.org 2
hacdias.com | museumtramlijn.org |
/2024/09/02/recently/ | /dienstregeling/lijn20 |
/impossible-list/ | / |
neocities.org 2
hacdias.com | neocities.org |
/2019/12/24/own-your-data/ | /browse |
/2020/05/31/back-90s/ | / |
netnewswire.com 2
hacdias.com | netnewswire.com |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
nytimes.com 2
ohmyz.sh 2
hacdias.com | ohmyz.sh |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
ovpay.nl 2
hacdias.com | ovpay.nl |
/2022/11/04/trying-out-ovpay/ | / |
/2022/11/04/trying-out-ovpay/ | / |
ptservidor.pt 2
hacdias.com | ptservidor.pt |
/2015/08/12/farewell-wordpress-hello-hugo/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
pyropus.ca 2
hacdias.com | pyropus.ca |
/2020/11/02/backing-up-email/ | /software/getmail/ |
/2020/11/02/backing-up-email/ | /software/getmail/configuration.html |
reddit.com 2
hacdias.com | reddit.com |
/2020/11/30/access-network-behind-cgnat/ | /r/pihole/comments/bnihyz/guide_how_to_install_wireguard_on_a_raspberry_pi/ |
/contact/ | /u/hacdias |
seirdy.one 2
hacdias.com | seirdy.one |
/2023/06/20/small-elements-website-inspired-others/ | /bookmarks/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
simonwillison.net 2
hacdias.com | simonwillison.net |
/2024/09/25/trying-chatgpt-for-code/ | /2024/Sep/20/using-llms-for-code/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
soju.im 2
hacdias.com | soju.im |
/2023/12/24/irc-bouncer-setup-soju-gamja-caddy-docker/ | / |
/2023/12/24/irc-bouncer-setup-soju-gamja-caddy-docker/ | /doc/soju.1.html |
sr.ht 2
substack.com 2
hacdias.com | substack.com |
/2020/10/05/thinking-out-loud-master-project/ | /p/adlrocha-what-the-next-generation |
/2020/10/05/thinking-out-loud-master-project/ | /p/adlrocha-my-vision-for-a-new-internet |
tantek.com 2
hacdias.com | tantek.com |
/2020/01/02/dynamic-static/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
testground.ai 2
hacdias.com | testground.ai |
/2020/10/19/testing-p2p-systems-testground/ | / |
/2020/10/19/testing-p2p-systems-testground/ | /writing-test-plans/test-plan-manifest |
trakt.tv 2
hacdias.com | trakt.tv |
/2020/02/13/ownyourtrakt/ | / |
/2022/12/26/personal-websites-and-online-identities/ | / |
vim.org 2
hacdias.com | vim.org |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
visualstudio.com 2
hacdias.com | visualstudio.com |
/2024/12/31/app-defaults/ | / |
/uses/ | / |
w3schools.com 2
hacdias.com | w3schools.com |
/2014/07/17/listagem-web-de-uma-tabela-mysql/ | /tags/ref_httpmethods.asp |
/2014/07/20/chamadas-ajax-com-jquery-e-php/ | /tags/ref_httpmethods.asp |
whimsical.club 2
hacdias.com | whimsical.club |
/2020/10/26/why-have-your-website/ | / |
/blogroll/ | / |
xkcd.com 2
hacdias.com | xkcd.com |
/2019/07/05/mirrorring-xkcd-ipfs/ | /about/ |
/blogroll/ | / |
yubico.com 2
hacdias.com | yubico.com |
/2021/10/17/yubikey-setup/ | /support/download/yubikey-manager/ |
/2021/10/17/yubikey-setup/ | /genuine/ |
aachen-tourismus.de 1
hacdias.com | aachen-tourismus.de |
/2021/12/02/recently/ | /en/discover/events/aachen-christmas-market/ |
about.me 1
hacdias.com | about.me |
/2022/03/25/my-website-before-indieweb/ | / |
acolyer.org 1
hacdias.com | acolyer.org |
/blogroll/ | / |
alistairshepherd.uk 1
hacdias.com | alistairshepherd.uk |
/blogroll/ | / |
aloneonahill.com 1
hacdias.com | aloneonahill.com |
/2021/11/23/if-php-were-british/ | /blog/if-php-were-british/ |
amsterdamsebos.nl 1
hacdias.com | amsterdamsebos.nl |
/2022/03/27/visit-to-the-bloesempark/ | /bloesempark/ |
amtrakvacations.com 1
hacdias.com | amtrakvacations.com |
/impossible-list/ | / |
ane.iki.fi 1
hacdias.com | ane.iki.fi |
/2022/06/21/been-there-done-that/ | /2022/06/21/beenthere-donethat.html |
annas-archive.org 1
hacdias.com | annas-archive.org |
/2022/11/21/putting-5998794-books-on-ipfs/ | / |
annas-blog.org 1
hacdias.com | annas-blog.org |
/2022/11/21/putting-5998794-books-on-ipfs/ | /putting-5,998,794-books-on-ipfs.html |
annoying.technology 1
hacdias.com | annoying.technology |
/blogroll/ | / |
apachefriends.org 1
hacdias.com | apachefriends.org |
/2014/07/17/listagem-web-de-uma-tabela-mysql/ | /pt_br/index.html |
apple.com 1
hacdias.com | apple.com |
/2023/10/11/processing-bosch-ebike-flow-fit-files/ | /us/app/healthfit/id1202650514 |
arne.me 1
hacdias.com | arne.me |
/2023/11/12/archive-your-old-projects/ | /articles/archive-your-old-projects |
arp242.net 1
hacdias.com | arp242.net |
/blogroll/ | / |
artemix.org 1
hacdias.com | artemix.org |
/2020/11/02/backing-up-email/ | /blog/backing-up-e-mails-from-an-imap-server |
asana.com 1
hacdias.com | asana.com |
/2017/07/12/how-did-i-start-working-remotely-at-a-startup/ | / |
aschmelyun.com 1
hacdias.com | aschmelyun.com |
/2022/03/25/i-built-a-receipt-printer-for-github-issues/ | /blog/i-built-a-receipt-printer-for-github-issues/ |
aseprite.org 1
hacdias.com | aseprite.org |
/2019/04/18/trying-pixel-art/ | / |
barryfrost.com 1
hacdias.com | barryfrost.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
bear.app 1
hacdias.com | bear.app |
/2020/02/29/notable-to-hugo/ | / |
bearblog.dev 1
hacdias.com | bearblog.dev |
/blogroll/ | / |
beepb00p.xyz 1
hacdias.com | beepb00p.xyz |
/2022/10/29/how-to-annotate-literally-everything/ | /annotating.html |
ben.page 1
hacdias.com | ben.page |
/blogroll/ | / |
benjamincongdon.me 1
hacdias.com | benjamincongdon.me |
/blogroll/ | / |
benjojo.co.uk 1
hacdias.com | benjojo.co.uk |
/blogroll/ | / |
berjon.com 1
hacdias.com | berjon.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
bigthink.com 1
hacdias.com | bigthink.com |
/2022/10/29/an-end-to-doomerism/ | /progress/pessimism-is-a-barrier-to-progress/ |
bitkeeper.com 1
hacdias.com | bitkeeper.com |
/2014/09/02/git-historia-repositorios-github/ | / |
boddez.net 1
hacdias.com | boddez.net |
/blogroll/ | / |
boldvoice.com 1
hacdias.com | boldvoice.com |
/2024/12/20/accent-guesser/ | /accent-guesser |
brunty.me 1
hacdias.com | brunty.me |
/blogroll/ | / |
bsky.app 1
hacdias.com | bsky.app |
/contact/ | /profile/hacdias.com |
buttondown.email 1
hacdias.com | buttondown.email |
/blogroll/ | /ownyourweb |
cablemod.com 1
hacdias.com | cablemod.com |
/2024/09/29/long-term-review-nuphy-air-keyboards/ | / |
catavino.net 1
hacdias.com | catavino.net |
/2023/01/28/when-the-rice-isnt-right/ | /portuguese-rice-arroz-carolino/ |
catern.com 1
hacdias.com | catern.com |
/2021/11/17/introduction-the-most-common-systems-concept-youve-never-heard-of/ | /introduction.html |
cbs.nl 1
hacdias.com | cbs.nl |
/2022/11/08/issues-with-digid-as-foreigner/ | /en-gb/dossier/migration-and-integration/how-many-people-immigrate-to-the-netherlands- |
chreke.com 1
hacdias.com | chreke.com |
/2022/11/22/little-languages-are-the-future-of-programming/ | /little-languages.html |
chris-granger.com 1
hacdias.com | chris-granger.com |
/2021/12/10/is-web3-anything/ | /2021/12/09/is-web3-anything/ |
chromium.org 1
hacdias.com | chromium.org |
/2023/11/25/website-level-color-scheme-preferences/ | /p/chromium/issues/detail |
cke.nl 1
hacdias.com | cke.nl |
/2022/06/07/dm-lustrum-exhibition/ | / |
codersblock.com 1
hacdias.com | codersblock.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
codinghorror.com 1
hacdias.com | codinghorror.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
cohost.org 1
hacdias.com | cohost.org |
/2023/06/27/a-one-person-oral-history-of-geocities-html-chat/ | /mcc/post/325362-a-one-person-oral-hi |
commentpara.de 1
hacdias.com | commentpara.de |
/2021/02/04/is-it-time-build-cms/ | / |
commitstrip.com 1
hacdias.com | commitstrip.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
computationalcomplexity.org 1
hacdias.com | computationalcomplexity.org |
/2021/11/16/when-did-computer-science-theory-get-so-hard/ | /2021/11/when-did-computer-science-theory-get-so.html |
craft-wallet.com 1
hacdias.com | craft-wallet.com |
/2017/07/12/how-did-i-start-working-remotely-at-a-startup/ | / |
ctrl.blog 1
hacdias.com | ctrl.blog |
/blogroll/ | / |
dannyvankooten.com 1
hacdias.com | dannyvankooten.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
darktheme.club 1
hacdias.com | darktheme.club |
/2023/11/25/website-level-color-scheme-preferences/ | / |
daverupert.com 1
hacdias.com | daverupert.com |
/blogroll/ | / |
deliriumvillage.com 1
hacdias.com | deliriumvillage.com |
/2024/02/05/fosdem/ | /nl/bar/delirium-cafe/ |
digitalocean.com 1
hacdias.com | digitalocean.com |
/2015/08/12/farewell-wordpress-hello-hugo/ | / |
dns.toys 1
hacdias.com | dns.toys |
/2022/06/11/useful-utilities-and-toys-over-dns/ | / |
docker.com 1
hacdias.com | docker.com |
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