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Genève Architecture

Finally, we also visited Genève. The weather was definitely better and we could enjoy the sun. We ended up in a district whose architecture was quite striking. So I decided to share 3 pictures.


After München, we also visited Zürich. Unfortunately, the sky wasn’t the most clear in most days. Therefore not having the best pictures I was wishing for. Nevertheless, Zürich keeps amazing me and being one of my favorite cities.

Misty Boat
Train Up In The Mountains

Forest Delicacies

Three simple pictures I took during a walk in the Stratumse Heide. It’s already starting to look somewhat like autumn, which I appreciate. I also haven’t used my camera for quite some time, so I’m very happy I brought it with me. I went there hoping to see highlander cows. Sadly, I didn’t see them this time, but I saw some of their… manure 💩.

There were some things I did not photograph because a thunderstorm was becoming closer and closer. Therefore, we thought it’d be safer to start leaving.

Mushrooms nest laying next to a tree trunk
Lonely mushroom with a bit of water from the rain