I wanted to write an article and, even though I have a list of drafts and ideas about things I want to write, I thought: hmm, I would like to do something more fun. That reminded me of the article I wrote about fractal snowflakes and how to generate them, which gave me an idea 💡!
Read More →The winter ❄️ has finally come. I have been wishing for snow for a long time. Coming from a warm country such as Portugal, snow is not the most common thing to see. In fact, I only saw snow in Portugal once when I was a kid when I went to Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain in continental Portugal.
Read More →Nowadays, node.js is one of the technologies which is always talked about when the subject is related with real-time applications or even CLI (Command-line interface) apps.
Read More →É habitual utilizarem-se diversos operadores quando o assunto é programação. Existem vários até: aritméticos, comparativos e outros.
Read More →A biblioteca jQuery é das mais conhecidas e utilizadas em JavaScript. Com esta biblioteca podemos proceder a chamadas ajax muito facilmente através de poucas linhas de código.
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