Styling my RSS feeds is something that has been on my infinitely long list of things to do on this website. Sometimes I removed it, sometimes I added it back. However, I recently came across Darek Kay’s blog post and decided that it was time to finally style both my RSS feeds, and my sitemap.
Read More βToday is the 12th of July. For most people, this date doesn’t say much, but it marks the anniversary of this website, counting from the first ever blog post I wrote here. And… that was ten years ago, in 2014. Yes, gentle reader, this website is now officially a decade old!
Read More βFour years ago, I wrote a post about bringing back the web of the 90s, which is somewhat ironic since I don’t remember the web of the 90s. Therefore, I’m probably not the best to write that. Anyways, I introduced my guestbook on that same day. Today I want to talk a bit about avoiding all the inevitable spam that I get there.
Read More βA few days ago, I was navigating the web as normal. After some clicks here and there, I found myself on this page. I looked around and realized: it is a digital shoebox. I resonated with the author: I too keep around (shoe)boxes with the most random things. So I decided to also create my own digital shoebox.
Read More βFor some, it may come as a surprise that my website’s source code is not open-source. That hasn’t, however, always been the case. Before I fully switching to my custom CMS - named Eagle -, it did use to be open-source.
Read More βSince June, I have had a “about well-knowns” note in my drafts to write an article about. Unfortunately, I haven’t been writing much the last month or two. However, two days ago, Tim wrote about his own experience with well-known links. That prompted me to finish this article!
Read More βToday I bring something not as conventional: a post about certain elements of my website you could say that are inspired or borrowed from other websites. Things that I found fascinating and included in my website too over the time. Let’s go!
Read More βThis is just a quick post to alert that I have changed my PGP key. It doesn’t
receive much use, but in the eventuality that someone may want to send me something
potentially encrypted, I think it’s reasonably good to keep the record that I
updated the key at some point. The contact page has been updated accordingly.
Read More βIn April, I squeezed into my monthly article that I had come back to Hugo. However, I did not give much context about it. And to continue the “farewell” post saga, here it is. Why did I move back to Hugo? What caused that decision, and how hard was it?
Read More βToday I had a bit too much time that I decided to work on my website. In the morning, I made a few tweaks to the home page in order to make it more useful: added some contact and social media links, as well as links for some pages on my website that are not included in the navigation bar. I think I achieved a neat result.
Read More βA few months ago, I released an article where I showed most versions of my website before I started integrating IndieWeb into it. I think it is nice to have an overview of how your website evolved with time. So today I present to you all the major changes to my website after IndieWeb.
Read More βSince I created this website’s colophon (also known as meta page), I’ve wanted to also created a page that show cased how this website evolved over the years. I created this website when I was 14, in 2014. At first, it was just a bunch of HTML pages written by hand. Within the first year, the website moved from pure HTML to WordPress and then to Hugo.
Read More βLately, I have been reading a bit more. Therefore, I wanted to be able to post more about it and track the progress. This is something I used to do before with Goodreads, but I have since stopped using it. The logical solution? Implement more features on my website. Why not?
Read More βIn 2015, I posted an article with a very similar name to this one. At the time, I was saying goodbye to WordPress and welcoming Hugo. As with everything in life, there are cycles and things change. It’s time to turn a new page on this website’s life cycle.
Read More βI am creating a new Micropub endpoint for my website and I read the specification. However, while testing the update action, something unexpected happened. The specification is not quite clear to whether we should deeply-traverse the update and update field by field, or solely replace the top-level keys.
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