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Tag: Milestones

Trending File Browser

In July 2017, something unexpected happened: I opened the trending page on the GitHub interface, under the Go language and saw my own project there. File Browser - then still called File Manager -, was trending in first place under the Go language!

At the time, that allowed the project to go from around 200 stars to over 700 during that week. Nowadays, this project I started long ago has over 22k GitHub stars ⭐️. Despite no longer maintaining it, I’m grateful to the current maintainers for continuing the project.

Screenshot of GitHub Trending Page
Screenshot of GitHub Trending Page

Project Lifie: The Video

In May 2016, I decided to start taking a daily selfie for the next following years. A daily selfie of my life, a lifie. At the time, I did not really think about for how long I would want to do this. Sometimes I thought about stopping it, sometimes I thought about making a video. However, that time never came, until now.

I have just compiled around 7 years worth of pictures, taken daily. Yes, there are days missing, there are even 1 or 2 months missing at some point. Some pictures also do not perfectly match the frame. Nevertheless, it is quite crazy to see how I have changed over the past 6 years.

Below, you can see the video. This video started in my teenage years and ends as a young adult. Among everything else, you will be able to see 3 different pairs of glasses, 5 different places where I lived, many haircuts, as well as the time where I still wore braces.

It is quite crazy. Am I going to keep taking daily pictures? I don’t know. It doesn’t give me a lot of work, takes a few seconds every day. Chances are that I will. But I still have yet to decide.

Master's Graduation Ceremony

Two days ago I shared that I was able to engrave my name in the Alumni Avenue. I now share some pictures from the graduation ceremony that took place on Monday. During the ceremony, each supervisor makes a little speech about each student. Even though I knew that was a costume here in The Netherlands, I was still surprised by it. I’m now sharing the pictures and video with you. They are, after all, public. I am really glad this chapter is concluded and I’m looking forward for the future.

Note: photos and video are copyrighted by TU/e. Photos are originally on Flickr, and video is originally on YouTube.