How To Create a Web Server in Go
PermalinkGo is a relatively new player in the world of programming, having been around since 2009. It was created by Google and many open-source contributors.
known as @hacdias
✏️ These are my longer-form posts. Visit the archive for an yearly view.
Go is a relatively new player in the world of programming, having been around since 2009. It was created by Google and many open-source contributors.
On 18th June 2015 I went to Lisbon to attend the Landing Festival — a tech jobs event organised by I was 15. And now you ask: what was a 15-year-old boy doing in a job fair? So, I was there as a journalist for Pplware. Though that’s not the piece of information that matters, I have to thank a lot to them because they were my ground floor.
Nowadays, we are used to hear about bits and bytes and sometimes, in the advertising, we see that the Internet speed is about 100 Mbps. Is that 100 megabytes per second? No, it isn’t. There are some differences between bits and bytes. Let’s see.
When we were creating our theme and setting up our WordPress installation, we noticed that every single static asset had a query string in the end of the URL like ?ver=3.5
and we didn’t want that because we were using Cloudflare and we were having problems updating the cache. So, we decided to remove that from our URLs. But how?
In our beginning articles, we mentioned that there are some types of variables and constants and that is what we are going to talk today. This is part of our Fundamentals of Programming Using C series.
In our beginning articles, we mentioned that there are some types of variables and constants and that is what we are going to talk today. This is part of our Fundamentals of Programming Using C series.
The years between 1969 and 1973 were very exciting for the AT&T Bell Labs because it was when the programming language C was mostly developed. This is part of The Fundamentals of Programming Using C series.
Every single programming language has its own characteristics that distinguish them from each other. One of those characteristics is the paradigms they follow. That is something very important to understand how some programming languages work. This is part of The Fundamentals of Programming Using C series.
Today we are going to discuss about constants and variables, which are the “things” that can hold data for us. This is part of The Fundamentals of Programming Using C series.
This is the first article of The Fundamentals of Programming Using C series. In this article, we are going to show you some useful concepts about the programming world. We will start by using pseudocode (explained below), advancing gradually until we reach the desired language: C.
There is one thing in common with the languages C, C++ and C#: their first letter. The fact of their name be similar makes some people think that these languages are almost the same thing. But… is it true? Are there any more similarities between these languages beyond their name?
Hello, world!
This is how I start my first newsletter: the same way I started programming. If you’re receiving this on your mail inbox, that means you probably know me. Anyway, I’m Henrique Dias, a 16 years old student who loves music and programming stuff.
One year more has passed. It seems like yesterday I was turning thirteen. Nostalgia. 2015 has been very turbulent and troubled year, but still amazing and meaningful. It has been very antithetical in so many ways I can’t tell you. But being that way helped me to grow more than in the years before - growing is a continuous process we should never fear.
You got a job! And today’s the first day, what are you going to do? Let’s make a party and make everyone dance! What? No… wait! You’re nervous, you don’t have to be. Let’s talk.
Last year, I published a post about how amazing Portugal is. And now I’m posting about it again! I’m not trying to “sell” Portugal, I’m trying to show how beautiful it is, because it’s true!