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✏️ These are my longer-form posts. Visit the archive for an yearly view.

Attempt at Visualizing Eve Room (and Weather) Metrics in Grafana

Some weeks ago, I sort of discovered this Grafana dashboard from a Hackerspace here in Eindhoven. Since then, I’ve been wanting to create such an “observability” dashboard for the microclimate inside my home, and also balcony. I already own quite a few temperature and air quality sensors, so it can’t be that hard - I thought.

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No Space Left on Device

I think that most of us that deal with Docker have, at some point, being confronted with the message “no space left on device”. Well, that is what happened to me this morning: I woke up, looked at my phone, and had three alerts since 2am that there was no space left on device. Miniflux was down because PostgreSQL goes automatically into recovery mode, but other that than, everything was still up and running.

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