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✏️ These are my longer-form posts. Visit the archive for an yearly view.

Recently in December '22

December is concluding and with it, we’re closing in the end of 2022. With the end of this month, I am writing one more retrospective about the events that have happened in my life during the past month. I am still on the fence whether or not I am writing a “year in review”. I will likely do a post for music and one for movies and TV shows with some stats. But I’m not sure I will write a generic year in review.

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Thoughts on Personal Websites and Online Identities

Online services. We all have accounts on those. Be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Mastodon, or some other thing that is sucking the life out of us. Even though we are the same physical being behind all of those accounts, we don’t always come out the same way to all of them. We look different, we sound different. Maybe that’s the nature of what we post there. They are all online identities.

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Visiting Aachen's Christmas Market

Last weekend, Christiaan and I went to the Christmas Market in Aachen. The first time I went to a Christmas Market was in 2019, in Zurich, during a work trip. Until then, I did not even know that Christmas Markets were a thing. Since moving to The Netherlands, I’ve been wanting to visit one of these magical markets, but, unfortunately, Covid-19 made that impossible. Fortunately, last weekend we made that wish come true.

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Verifying My Personal Website

In the spirit of what has been happening to Twitter, Max added a verified checkmark to his personal website. Then, Jim followed with the idea. Since I also found the idea quite funny, now I also got myself a verified checkmark πŸ˜‚. And it costs less than having one on Twitter!

For years, the blue checkmark in many social media have been used to show status, even though the original goal, as far as I understand, was for authenticity. Unfortunately, common users, or as some media platforms put it, “non-notable people”, were never able to be verified.

My website is owned by me, I pay for it. It is authentic and I can guarantee that the person behind it is myself. That could be an argument to put this badge up there. However, I’m just going with it because it is funny.

Trying Out OVPay With Hermes and HTM

The Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡± is testing a new payment system for the public transit called OVPay πŸ’³. The gist is that you’ll be able to simply check-in and check-out from buses, trams, trains, and every other kind of transit with your debit or credit card, without needing to either buy a ticket, or have an OV-chipkaart (the public transit card).

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Dabbling With the Idea of a Second Brain

I have been recently dabbling with the idea of a second brain, or just note taking in general. I feel like I’ve been through this many times in the past years. I don’t take that many notes, or at least, I don’t take that many notes that I would want to make public. Most things I note down are private things that I do not want to make public. I considered using the private posts on my website, but I don’t think I would trust them enough.

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